

国際学会「2024 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo」にて学術発表

セッツは、4月28日~5月1日(現地時間)にカナダ・モントリオールで開催されたAmerican Oil Chemists' Societyによる国際学会「2024 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo」(Palais des congrès de Montréal)にて、初めて学術発表を行いました。

AOCS Annual Meeting & Expoとは…

American Oil Chemists' Society(アメリカ油化学会)が開催する年次総会および展示会です。国際学会ということもあり、世界各国から油脂・洗剤関連の技術者が集まって非常に多くの演題が発表されます。


Development of detergent with excellent sterilization effects for fried food manufacturing equipment


大八木 伸 (セッツ株式会社)
渡辺 嘉  (大阪産業技術研究所)
小西 良子 (東京農業大学)
望月 眞理子(日本獣医生命科学大学)




「2024 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo」での発表は、セッツの研究成果を国際的な舞台で共有する貴重な機会でした。今後も食品工場の衛生管理を通じて、食の安全・安心に貢献できるよう努めて参ります。


 Thick fried tofu is a popular Japanese dish made by frying fresh tofu in vegetable oil. Immediately after frying, it is general accepted that little microorganisms remain at the surface of the product. However, microbial contamination of 105 CFU/g including spoilage bacteria were detected in some commercial thick fried tofu. One of the possible causes is microbial contamination of the factory production equipment downstream of frying.
 Our surveillance revealed that microorganisms ranging 6~14×105 CFU/100 cm2 were detected in the post-frying cooling machine and the following conveyor. After cleaning the equipment with a conventional detergent containing benzalkonium chloride and a common nonionic surfactant, the viable counts remained unchanged (4~18×105 CFU/100 cm2). This fact suggested that the detergency against microorganisms was insufficient and that microorganisms might remain and accelerate food spoilage.
 In this study, therefore, we formulated a new detergent by selecting a nonionic surfactant that can easily demonstrate the bactericidal effect of benzalkonium chloride. When the equipment was cleaned with the new formulation, microbial residues were reduced to 2×103 CFU/100cm2 (99.9% removal rate compared to the conventional detergent). The detergent also had excellent cleaning performance for oil dirt and was found to be effective in cleaning equipment at factories that produce fried products such as thick fried tofu. The detergent with excellent sterilization performance is expected to contribute to the SDGs by extending the shelf life of food and reducing food loss.